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In January last year, I read a post at conspiracycentral.info, that began¡¦

I was driving home today and saw this huge mural with the masonic symbol and it freaked me out. I just got back from the midwest, and I saw a handful of masonic symbols, street signs, and temples all in the same area of Missouri. Imagine my surprise when I go back to Seattle and I see the biggest sign of masonic arrogance right in the middle of the most artsy fartsy area of the supposedly liberal and freedom-loving Emerald City.

Turns out the mural was part of a masonic temple/lodge that is in the middle of a shopping area, and totally out of place. Not only that, but it¡¯s basically a block away from the HUGE statue of Lenin that haunts this area of the city.

I had almost forgotten about it, when I was reminded of it today at Nicene Truth. Jay Dyer links to a site with a good overview on the statue:

Fremont, self-proclaimed ¡°Center of the Universe,¡± is the venue for America¡¯s largest statue honoring Lenin.

No, kids — not one of the Beatles, but Vladimir Illych Lenin, hero of the workers, Communism, and the former Soviet Union.

The 16-ft. tall bronze originated in Poprad, Slovakia, where it was first erected in 1988. It tumbled along with other heroic (and out of fashion) statues when the Soviets went down in 1989. For a time, the 7-ton Lenin lay face down in the mud at the Poprad dump — until rescued by American entrepreneur Lewis Carpenter. Carpenter, who admired the artistry, mortgaged his house to buy and transport the statue to Seattle.

Carpenter died in a car accident in 1994. To recover the statue debt, Carpenter¡¯s family made an arrangement to loan it to the Fremont district until a buyer emerged. Asking price: $150,000. In 1995, Fremont put the statue up in the center of town, near a Cold War era rocket also displayed as public art.

Here¡¯s an article on why the statue is offensive to most of us; but especially to Russian émigrés: Lenin¡¯s Statue: Adding Insult to Injury.

It¡¯s the proximity of the Masonic lodge that is suspicious. I¡¯m not sure whether Lewis Carpenter was a Mason or not - only the Masons can tell you that - as indeed I had replied to the post at the conspiracycentral forum: ¡°You should investigate whether the lot holding it is owned by the masons or not. That, in itself, could be tough to do, though, as masons aren¡¯t required by law to publish membership lists. It will be haphazard at best - resorting to what they choose to reveal on their websites. Perhaps Lewis Carpenter is, or various officers from the Freemont Chamber of Commerce.¡±

Lenin¡¯s membership in Masonry has long been speculated upon. There are a few clues in which one can - and should - follow up on. Jüri Lina, Architects of Deception, pp. 311-12:

Lenin was a freemason of the 31st degree (Grand Inspecteur Inquisiteur Commandeur) and a member of the French lodge Art et Travail (Oleg Platonov, ¡°Russia¡¯s Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996¡È, Moscow, 2000, Volume 2, p. 417).

On his visit to the Grand Orient headquarters on rue Cadet in Paris in 1905, Lenin wrote his name in the visitors¡¯ book (Viktor Kuznetsov, ¡°The Secret of the October Coup¡±, St. Petersburg, 2001, p. 42). Lenin was a member of the most malicious lodge of the Grand Orient, the Nine Sisters, in 1914 (Soviet Analyst, June, 2002, p. 12). Lenin also belonged to the Union de Belville Lodge.

The French freemason Rozie of the Jean Georges lodge in Paris hailed his masonic brothers Lenin and Trotsky (La Libre Parole, 6 February 1918).

Many of the bolsheviks, apart from Lenin and Trotsky, were freemasons: Boris Solovyov, Vikenti Veresayev, Grigori Zinoviev (Grand Orient), Maxim Litvinov, Nikolai Bukharin (actually Moshe Pinkhus-Dolgolevsky), Christian Rakovsky, Yakov Sverdlov, Anatoli Lunacharsky (actually Balich-Mandelstam), Mechislav Kozlovsky (Polish freemason), Karl Radek (Grand Orient), Mikhail Borodin, Leonid Krasin, Vladimir Dzhunkovsky, and many more. In the KGB archives, the historian Viktor Bratyev found a document according to which Lunacharsky belonged to the Grand Orient of France (Anton Pervushin, ¡°The Occult Secret of the NKVD and the SS¡±, St. Petersburg, Moscow 1999, p. 133).


Lenin, Zinoviev, Radek and Sverdlov were also members of B¡¯nai B¡¯rith. This was confirmed by those specializing in the activities of B¡¯nai B¡¯rith, among them Schwartz-Bostunich (Viktor Ostretsov, ¡°Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History¡±, Moscow, 1999, pp. 582- 583).

And here, from the opposite camp:

[...] Lenin co-operated secretly with many forces that enabled him to usurp State power in Russia, including German General Staff through, for example, Alexander Lazarevich Parvus (Gelfand), shadow tutor of Lenin and Trotsky, big businessman, etc., this ¡°Louis Cypher¡± of the Russian revolution whose connections with Geman military circles were revealed and published by a free mason P.N. Pereverzev. Allegedly French rite mason of the ¡°L¡¯Union de Belleville¡± (Paris) in 1902. Lenin was a fan and a close friend of the revolutionary pop-singer G.M. Montegus who occurred to have been a French police informer. Besides he was a member of the Masonic lodge ¡°L¡¯Union de Belleville¡± (Paris).

So, the Grand Orient¡¯s Lodge ¡°L¡¯Union de Belleville¡± - if records still exist, and haven¡¯t been suppressed
- might have the proof. Here¡¯s the minutes of the Lodge ¡°L¡¯Union de Belleville,¡± April 28, 1871, translated by Mitch Abidor for marxists.org:

Considering that questions of universal morality and humanity are the constant concern of Freemasons;

Considering that without straying from the philosophical and non-political sphere that is its place, Freemasonry has the right and the duty to intervene in all questions where the principles of fraternity are misunderstood;

Considering that in the painful period of crisis through which we are passing, which is desolating our fatherland and afflicting humanity, it is the duty of all Masons to affirm the principles that appear to it to conform to universal morality, and those most apt to make the ideas of universal solidarity prevail,

A solidarity that, the day it will exist, will prevent the renewal of all impious struggles among men and will cause the last seed of barbarism to disappear by reuniting all men in one family;

Considering that the proclamation of the Paris Commune, addressed to the French people, contains nothing that is contrary to Masonic principles;

Considering that it is thus the obligation of Freemasonry, which has always been at the head of the march of progress, to employ all the moral force at its disposal to make those ideas in conformity with its principles prevail;

Considering that it is the duty of each lodge to indicate, not only to Freemasons, but to all citizens the path of the just and the true;

The Lodge ¡°The Union of Belleville¡± declares:

That it desires to stop the spilling of blood, while adhering to the program of the Paris Commune as contained in its proclamation to the French people;

Consequently, and in order to arrive at this result it invites:

All Freemasons of Paris and the provinces, and all citizens, to join with it to have the government of Versailles and the Paris Commune accept the following arrangement:

Recognition of communal rights for all great cities as well as the smallest towns;

General elections for all Communes and the Constituent Assembly; and

In order to proceed to these elections, which will occur in three months, the establishment of an administrative commission composed in two equal halves of members of the Commune and members of the Assembly of Versailles, named in elections by these two powers.

Such are the bases of an arrangement proposed by the lodge ¡°The Union of Belleville¡± in order to put an end to the crime we are passing through, and for the success of which it invites all its brothers, Mason or not, to employ all their moral force and all the means placed at their disposal by the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

By order: For the Lodge ¡°The Union of Belleville¡±
The Tit :.Sec:. The Ven:. Or :.
Voisin H. Fernoux

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