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[¿ø¹®] IN 1983, I DECIDED to become a community organizer. There wasn¡¯t much detail to the idea; I didn¡¯t know anyone making a living that way. When classmates in college asked me just what it was that a community organizer did, I couldn¡¯t answer them directly. Instead, I¡¯d pronounce on the need for change. Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds. Change in the Congress, compliant and corrupt. Change in the mood of the country, manic and self-absorbed. Change won¡¯t come from the top, I would say. Change will come from a mobilized grass roots. That¡¯s what I¡¯ll do, I¡¯ll organize black folks. At the grass roots. For change.

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LGBT Appointments in the Obama-Biden Administration




Steven Adamske Deputy Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs Department of the Treasury
Matt Adler Special Assistant to the Director, Citizenship and Immigration Services Department of Homeland Security
Mark Agrast Deputy Assistant Attorney General Office of Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice
Kim Allman Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Relations Corporation for National and Community Service
Raul Alvillar Congressional Relations Officer Department of Housing and Urban Development
Judy Applebaum Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs Department of Justice
Cynthia Attwood* Member Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Daniel Baer Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy,  Human Rights and Labor Department of State
Cornelius Baker Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Praveen Basaviah Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Vic Basile Senior Counselor to the Director Office of Personnel Management
Bruce Bastian Member President¡¯s Advisory Committee on the Arts for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Anthony Bernal Scheduler, Office of Dr. Jill Biden Office of the Vice President
Jeremy Bernard Director, White House and Congressional Affairs, White House Liaison National Endowment for the Humanities
John Berry* Director Office of Personnel Management
Jeremy Bishop Special Assistant to the Secretary, Office of Public Engagement Department of Labor
Brian Bond Deputy Director, Office of Public Engagement The White House
Raphael Bostic* Assistant Secretary, Policy Development and Research Department of Housing and Urban Development
David  Brooks Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Ebs Burnough Deputy Social Secretary, Office of the First Lady The White House
Margarethe Cammermeyer Member Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
Michael Camuñez* Assistant Secretary, Market Access and Compliance Department of Commerce
Lyle Canceko Deputy Director, Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Department of Commerce
Ken Choe Deputy General Counsel Department of Health and Human Services
Brook Colangelo Chief Information Officer Office of Administration
Matthew W. Collier Senior Advisor to the Director Office of Personnel Management
John Connor Director, Office of White House Liaison Department of Commerce
John Coppola* Member National Museum and Library Services Board
Jonathan Cordone General Counsel Export-Import Bank
Jeffrey Crowley Director, Office of National AIDS Policy The White House
Humberto Cruz Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Fred Davie Member President¡¯s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Justin DeJong Deputy Press Secretary Department of Agriculture
Marisa Demeo Associate Judge D.C. Superior Court
Clay Doherty Deputy Director, Office of Public Engagement United States Agency for International Development
Laura Duffy* U.S. Attorney  Southern District of California
Edward DuMont** Judge United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Jenny Durkan* U.S. Attorney Western District of Washington
John Easton* Director, Institute of Education Sciences Department of Education
Eric Fanning Deputy Under Secretary, Director of Small Business Programs, Department of the Navy Department of Defense
Chai Feldblum*** Member Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Natalie Fernandez Trips Coordinator Department of Energy
Carl Fillichio Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Public Affairs and Communications Department of Labor
Ethan Gelber Assistant, White House Liaison Department of State
Daniel Gordon* Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy Office of Management and Budget
Kathy Greenlee* Assistant Secretary, Administration for Aging Department of Health and Human Services
Robert Greenwald Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Steve Gunderson Commissioner President¡¯s Commission on White House Fellows
David Hansell Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families Department of Health and Human Services
Beatrice Hanson** Director, Office for Victims of Crime Department of Justice
Daniel H. Hantman Senior Counselor to the Director, Citizenship and Immigration Services Department of Homeland Security
Clyde Henderson, III Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental & External Affairs Department of Energy
Emily Hewitt Chief Justice U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Steven Hicks Special Assistant, Early Childhood, Office of the Secretary Department of Education
Jennifer Ho Deputy Director, Accountability Management U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Fred Hochberg* Chairman Export-Import Bank
Michael Horberg Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
David Huebner* Chief of Mission, New Zealand & Independent State of Samoa (U.S. Ambassador) Department of State
Glenda Humiston State Director for Rural Development, California Department of Agriculture
Pamela Hyde* Administrator, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Department of Health and Human Services
Shin Inouye Director, Specialty Media The White House
John Isa Deputy Executive Director Federal Office of Compliance
Ejay Jack Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Jack  Jackson Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Karine Jean-Pierre Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs The White House
Kevin Jennings Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools Department of Education
Kristina Johnson* Under Secretary of Energy Department of Energy
Jennifer C. Jones Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing Department of Housing and Urban Development
Elaine Kaplan General Counsel Office of Personnel Management
Brad Kiley Director, Office of Management and Administration The White House
Kei Koizumi Assistant Director for Federal Research and Development Office of Science and Technology Policy
James Kolbe Member, Advisory Committee Export-Import Bank
James Kolbe Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations United States Trade Representative
Karen A. Lash Senior Counsel for Access to Justice Department of Justice
Andy Lee Chief of Staff, Office of Innovation and Improvement Department of Education
Jeffrey Lerner Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs The White House
Reginald Lewis Member Presidential Scholars Commission
Zach Liscow Staff Economist Council of Economic Advisers
Thomas Lopach Senior Vice President, Congressional Affairs Export-Import Bank
Sharon Lubinski* U.S. Marshal Department of Justice
Ana Ma Chief of Staff Small Business Administration
John Marble Special Assistant, Public Affairs Office of Personnel Management
Jeffrey Marburg Special Counsel United States Agency for International Development
Mercedes Marquez* Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development Department of Housing and Urban Development
Kathy Martinez* Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) Department of Labor
Michael Martinez Special Assistant, National Resources Conservation Division Department of Agriculture
Leonardo Martinez-Diaz Senior Economic Advisor United States Agency for International Development
Mary Beth Maxwell Senior Advisor, Office of Policy Department of Labor
Philip McNamara Executive Secretary, Office of the Executive Secretariat Department of Homeland Security
Steven Means Special Assistant, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Department of Education
David Medina Director, Office of Public Engagement Peace Corps
David Mills* Assistant Secretary, Export Enforcement Department of Commerce
Jeffrey Neal Chief Human Capital Officer Department of Homeland Security
Ven Neralla Director of Priority Placement, Presidential Personnel Office The White House
Dave Noble White House Liaison National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Matt Nosanchuk Senior Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Department of Justice
Dylan Orr Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy Department of Labor
Joseph Palacios Member Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, Board of Visitors
Paolo Palugod Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division Department of Justice
Peter Pappas Chief Communications Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office Department of Commerce
Mira Patel Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary Department of State
Raúl Perea-Henze* Assistant Secretary, Policy and Planning Department of Veterans Affairs
Mark Perriello White House Liaison Department of the Interior
Thomas Petrillo Special Assistant to the Director of Scheduling Department of the Interior
Zachary A. Portilla Assistant, Office of Presidential Personnel The White House
Gautam Raghavan Special Assistant to the White House Liaison Department of Defense
Ryan M. Robison Deputy Director of Scheduling, Office of the Administrator Environmental Protection Agency
Peter Roehrig Special Assistant, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department of Energy
Donna Ryu U.S. Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California Federal Judiciary
Ellie Sue Schafer Director, White House Visitors Office The White House
Herb Schultz Director of Region IX Department of Health and Human Services
Chloe Schwenke Senior Advisor on Democracy and Governance, Africa Bureau United States Agency for International Development
Tarak Shah Special Assistant, Operational Energy Plans and Programs Department of Defense
Amanda Simpson Senior Technical Advisor, Bureau of Industry and Security Department of Commerce
Richard Sorian*** Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs Department of Health and Human Services
Campbell Spencer Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs The White House
Everette Stubbs Deputy Director, White House Visitors Center The White House
Jason Surbey Special Assistant, Office of Public Affairs Department of Labor
Nancy Sutley* Chair White House Council on Environmental Quality
Jonathan Swain Assistant Administrator, Communications & Public Liaison Small Business Administration
Louis Tharp Member Army Education Advisory Committee
Kenneth Tolson Member President¡¯s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Hector L. Vargas, Jr. Member President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Kamala Vasagam Special Assistant to the President, Office of Presidential Personnel The White House
Alex Wagner Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary, Global Strategic Affairs Department of Defense
Douglas B. Wilson* Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs Department of Defense
Elisabeth B. Wilson Member Negotiated Rulemaking Committee for Designation of Medically Underserved Populations and Primary Care Health Professions Shortage Areas
Phil Wilson Member Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Frederick Loo Wong Public Affairs Specialist Corporation for National and Community Service
William Woolston Staff Economist Council of Economic Advisers


Former Obama-Biden Administration LGBT Appointees




Jamison Citron Confidential Assistant, Office of the White House Liaison Department of Health and Human Services
Harry Knox Member President¡¯s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Alison Nathan Associate Counsel to the President The White House
Constance L. Rogers Deputy Solicitor, Energy and Mineral Resources Department of the Interior
Moe Vela Director of Operations Office of the Vice President


* Nominated and Senate-confirmed
** Nominated but not Senate-confirmed
*** One-year recess appointment – Nominated but not Senate-confirmed

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