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2010³â 10¿ù20ÀÏ 19½Ã59ºÐ  

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°ø»ê´çÀÌ ¸ÁÇØ°¡´Â ÁõÁ¶´Ù. (2010³â 10¿ù21ÀÏ 23½Ã03ºÐ)
After seeing an close pal going trough a tough moment because of a sickness caused from smoking I made it my own quest to spare as many other people as is possible from the same exact experience, but quickly I realized that no matter how great your arguments are it is extremely difficult to have a smoker quit smoking, not because the actual arguments aren't sufficiently good and not because the smoker isn't happy to quit but simply because smoking is a even more addicting drug than heroin and cocaine (scientifically confirmed).            
Then I learned that there is actually a method to quit smoking without quitting smoking, therefore give the smoker their pleasure and also habit yet save him from the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes.          
The Things I am referring to are e-cigarettes. You can read regarding all of the negative effects of cigarettes and how an [url=http://electroniccigarette0.com/]electronic cigarette[/url] can help you quite cigarettes or just allow you to follow your current routine and obtain the kick with no damaging side effects associated with smoking on my web-site http://electroniccigarette0.com          
P.S. I hope this will not be removed due to having a link to my web-site as I merely attempt to inform and help.            
All the best          
Chrissy M. (2011³â 01¿ù13ÀÏ 21½Ã42ºÐ)

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