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Russian Federation

Alternate Name: 

Scalpel, RS-22, RT-23U, Molodets




Silo based (Mod 1); Rail mobile (Mod 2)


22.40 m


2.40 m

Launch Weight: 

104500 kg


10 MIRV warheads


Nuclear 550 kT


3-stage solid


10000 km



In Service: 

1987 (rail), 1989 (silo)


Russian Designation: RS-22, RT-23U, Molodets

The SS-24 is an intercontinental-range, rail/silo-based, solid propellant ballistic missile. It represents the first of the fifth generation of Russian missile systems and is markedly different than past ICBM designs such as the SS-18 and SS-19 systems. The missile is among the few rail/silo-based weapons that can be cold-launched out of a canister. This greatly enhances the safety and reliability of the design.


The SS-24 is an intercontinental-range strategic missile system. It has sufficient range to threaten the continental United States, as well as all of Asia and Europe. It carries Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles (MIRV) warheads which enable the missile to destroy multiple targets, dramatically increasing its destructive power over single warhead systems. The accuracy and yield of the SS-24 warhead made it theoretically capable of destroying hardened targets, though the destruction of the target was far from guaranteed. However, air and military bases would be completely unable of surviving such a strike. By being deployed from hardened silos, the SS-24 can survive most nuclear strikes, and the little weakness that has developed due to improvements in counterforce weaponry is compensated for by the railcar-based version. A SS-24 stored in a railcar is extremely difficult to locate, and even more difficult to destroy. The system was designed to be available for launch under any circumstances and to be capable of inflicting large damage upon a civilian population.


The SS-24 system can reportedly strike anything between a range of 2,500 km and 10,000 km (1,553 and 6,214 miles). It carries a payload of 4,050 kg which carried ten MIRV warheads, each with a 550 kT nuclear yield. It uses a computer-controlled inertial guidance system during flight and on the Post-Boost Vehicle (PBV). This provides the system with an accuracy of some 500 m CEP. It uses a three-stage solid propellant engine and almost certainly carries decoy warheads.


There are actually two versions of the SS-24, though the differences between the systems are extremely minor. The Mod 1 silo-based version has a length of 22.4 m while the Mod 2 railcar version had a length of some 22.3 m. The Mod 2 version has a larger launcher assembly in the tail, additional hot gas control for the first-stage and a modified guidance and control system interface. Both versions had a diameter of 2.4 m and a launch weight of 104,500 kg.


The development of the SS-24 began in 1971, with the first flight test reportedly occurring in October 1982. The first successful launch of the system carrying eight reentry vehicles occurred in November 1983. The first test launch of the SS-24 from a railcar occurred in 1985, with the first silo launch occurring one year later. The railcar version of the missile entered service in 1987, with the silo-based version entering deployment in 1989. In 1991, there were reportedly 56 silo-based and 33 railcar systems mostly based in the Ukraine, as the SS-24 was designed and built there. The silo-based SS-24 missiles are believed to have been taken out of service in 2002 to make room for SS-27 Topol-M systems. In 2004 it was announced that the SS-24s would be removed from service by 2005. The last missile was removed from operational status in August 2005.


In 1990, Russia announced that there would not be continued production after 1991, and only three new missiles were built. All SS-24 missiles in the Ukraine were reported as destroyed by December of 2001, but these reports remain unconfirmed.(1)




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