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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°I just think that you characterized that incorrectly. The concern about Iran and North Korea really goes together since we know historically they have worked together on ballistic missiles, which is the delivery system for both of their nuclear weapons, and quite likely worked together on the nuclear side as the reactor being constructed in Syria by North Korea, destroyed by Israelis in September of 2007 showed.¡±

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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°I think that the responses to this administration to both Iran and North Korea is exactly the same. Maximum pressure on both governments to give up their pursuit of deliverable nuclear weapons. But our willingness to talk to their leaders to see if there is a way out, I think we are entirely consistent.¡±

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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°I can tell you that our position is we still want strict enforcement of all the sanctions. We continuously speak with all the countries in the region about the importance of that. We are not going to tolerate diminution of the effect of the sanctions. We want the North Koreans to come forward and denuclearize as they committed to do. And we will take the necessary steps including enforcement steps to keep sanctions tight.¡±

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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°I don¡¯t really want to speak for Chairman Kim but I can say this. The president is holding the door open for North Korea, he has shown them the future that they can have, if they follow through on what they said in Singapore and gave up their nuclear and missile programs. It is up to North Korea to walk through the door. But nobody can say that the president isn¡¯t holding the door wide open for him.¡±

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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°I am not going to speculate what that would be but North Korean regime knows what we expect of them. We expect that they are going to live up to word, they gave that word to South Koreans, they have given that word to us, and denuclearize and get moving. We want performance here not rhetoric.¡±

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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°Well there is nothing scheduled, we¡¯ve exchanged the letters between the president Trump and KJU. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is ready, willing and able to go back to Pyongyang and talk to KJU to see if they can make further progress. But it is not so much of a matter of conversation, it is a matter of performance by North Korea.¡±

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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°I am surprised that you don¡¯t know already. But it is the continued exchange of correspondents that President Trump is really doing the best job he can to tell North Korea not to miss this opportunity.¡±

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[º¼Æ° º¸Á°ü] ¡°I don¡¯t think he is starry eyed either but we have tried every way we can, and I think we are doing maximum sales job we can to say that the door is open, the opportunity is clear, everybody is waiting for the North Koreans to start moving.¡±

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