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[³ìÃë: °¡µå³Ê ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°Look, I think the administration has to continue the pressure on North Korea. North Korea obviously wants to try to slow up this process. That¡¯s unacceptable. They made commitment to denuclearization. That¡¯s our goal. That¡¯s our law. So, I think the administration has to continue to press the issue and make progress on their commitment.¡±

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[³ìÃë: °¡µå³Ê ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I¡¯m not surprised that North Korea is trying to resist. I think that¡¯s been the challenge with North Korea for decades, which is that they have not lived up to the promises that they have made and that¡¯s why I¡¯ve been skeptical of North Korea¡¯s intentions all long, willing to put efforts into possible peace, but being very skeptical about their intentions.¡±

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[³ìÃë: °¡µå³Ê ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°Look, I think we should always be optimistic that diplomacy will prevail. We can¡¯t give up on that. But, we don¡¯t have all the time in the world because until they live up to their denuclearization commitment, we must assume that they have other intentions to do.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ·çºñ¿À ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°It doesn¡¯t surprise me, unfortunately, that they always have been erratic. The Kim family is always erratic to deal with, and I always personally, I hope I¡¯m wrong, I always felt like they are going to try to get some sanctions relief without agreeing to anything substantive.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ¸¶Å° ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I think that the Trump administration had unrealistic expectations given the Kim family history. The vagueness in the agreement that was reached in Singapore leads to two different interpretations of what is required. The North Koreans are not clearly interpreting denuclearization to mean that they have to provide the inventory to world of their ballistic missile and nuclear capabilities. And, as a result, we are at impasse that I think wasn¡¯t just debatable.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ¸¶Å° ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I think until North Korea provides an inventory of what they have, stockpiles over the years, it¡¯s difficult to say that we made any progress. We don¡¯t have a single weapon, ballistic missile or nuclear weapon that has been dismantled. That¡¯s the next step. The first step is just to have them announce what it is that they have. They haven¡¯t done that either.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Äコ ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I admire that Secretary Pompeo is working hard to make something out of nothing. The agreement that President Trump reached with Kim Jong Un in Singapore was nothing more than sort of vague promises of denuclearization by the North Koreans, coupled with a unilateral commitment to stop doing military exercises with our vital allies in South Korea and Japan without consulting with them. They is a hope for return of American remains and a hope for process of denuclearization without any details about timing or verification, or transparency. So, I think it¡¯s striking that Secretary Pompeo didn¡¯t get a meeting with Kim Jong Un, and that he came back with no more specifics or clarity about how the alleged agreement is going to have any substances.¡±

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