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[³ìÃë: ¼¼À̸ð¾î Àü Á¶Á¤°ü] ¡°I think honeymoon is over in the sense that the big drama of Singapore meeting, now we are getting into reality which is the real negotiation over actual measures.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ¼¼À̸ð¾î Àü Á¶Á¤°ü]¡±It¡¯s very clear signal that North Koreans do not accept the demands Pompeo brought with him, so this is the beginning of the process which will be very complicated, very difficult, very protracted and may not reach an agreement, but what we had now, both sides have laid out their opening position.¡±

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[³ìÃë: µðÆ®¶ó´Ï Àü Â÷¼®´ëÇ¥]¡±They are very difficult negotiation and that¡¯s quite possible that North Korea didn¡¯t want to hear too much about denuclearization, but that¡¯s the core issue. It is going to be long, it always has been long, six party talks took two years to come up with joint statement, so it is going to be long and you need a lot of patients, you have to persist.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Èú Àü Â÷°üº¸] ¡° I was very surprised that he came out with the meeting with a completely different characterization of the meeting with North Koreans did. Normally, toward the end of the meeting you try to have an agreement on what you are going to say to the press.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Èú Àü Â÷°üº¸] ¡°Pompeo said he had no meeting set up, but the White House said he was expecting the meeting, so it¡¯s hard to say but usually when that happens, it is not a good sign and I don¡¯t think the process is looking very good right now.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ¿ÍÀÏ´õ Àü ¼±ÀÓº¸Á°ü] ¡°I think the improvement with the China relationship has made him less eager to deal with US and they are legitimate concerns and so, I think the discussion between Washington and Beijing need to be quite serious particularly on the issue of keeping on the maximum pressure, because without it, I am not sure if we can reach the kind of agreement we want to reach.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Èú Àü Â÷°üº¸] ¡°I am very skeptical of the talks because of the China. I think China is interested in making this problem more difficult. I have said since beginning that there¡¯s need to be a better regional architecture, that is better process of informing people of how our meetings went with North Koreans, if they don¡¯t want to come back to the Six Party Talks then call it something else, but there needs to be some multilateralism in this process, so I don¡¯t know what Trump administrations want to do but so far it doesn¡¯t appear it¡¯s working.¡±

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