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[³ìÃë: ÇìÀϸ® ´ë»ç] ¡°And North Korea, the regime has devoted huge portion of its limited resources to its nuclear missile programs, even in times of famine and at great cost to the lives of its people. Only a strong effective international sanctions effort has brought the regime to the negotiating table. Time will tell whether the people of North Korea will finally be given priority over their government¡¯s dangerous nuclear ambitions.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ÇìÀϸ® ´ë»ç] ¡°What should excite all sides is that we haven¡¯t had any more ballistic missile testing. That is the huge success in itself and I can tell you that the international community is to be commended for the situation we are in with North Korea right now, because it was the international community that came together that passed the sanctions three times in the Security Council.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ÇìÀϸ® ´ë»ç] ¡°We have cut off all of the exports, 90 percent of the trade, 30 percent of the oil. We have stopped the labor pool that was bringing in revenue and North Korea started to feel it. On top of that, the international partners also expelled diplomats. They have stopped verbal communications with North Korea. And we completely isolated them for their behavior. ¡°

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[³ìÃë: ÇìÀϸ® ´ë»ç] ¡°In return, they wanted to come to the negotiating table. What we had to hope at the summit was that after the summit was over that both leaders would still have the political will to continue talking. And that did happen. Now you are going to start to see meetings taking place to see if that political will turns into general genuine success in terms of making sure that North Korea does denuclearize.¡±.

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[³ìÃë: ÇìÀϸ® ´ë»ç] ¡°That is the end goal. That is the common goal that I think not just the United States but I think that the international community wants. And I think North Korea does is intrigued by possibility of coming back to the international community and being a good neighbor.¡±

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[³ìÃë: ÇìÀϸ® ´ë»ç] ¡°Not at all. At the United Nations we haven¡¯t even so much was done, any sort of press statement, any sort of congratulations, we have not acknowledged the summit, because nothing has happened. To us, the sanctions will stay on. They will, the pressure will continue on. We need to see full actions on denuclearization. Otherwise sanctions will remain where they are.¡±

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