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[³ìÃë:¸Þ³Ùµ¥Áî ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°There has to be a real intent by Kim Jong Un to give up his nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and just saying it, we have been through this three times with Republican and Democrat administrations in the past. So, we need to know that there are a real benchmark that can be met and in doing so that we know for real...¡±

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[³ìÃë:ÆÄÀνºÅ¸ÀÎ ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I think the biggest concern that many of us in the West have is if North Korea will keep its word, that if it gives its word, that that word can be dependent on, and there is a very deep concern with nuclear developments and this nuclear development is not peaceful. It¡¯s an attack-related. So we have deep concerns. And the hope is there will be some coming together of both leaders and our President will be able to reinforce with Kim Jong Un the real need to come to some enforceable agreement to denuclearize the Korean peninsula¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:´õºó ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I hope that it ends in a positive way that there is a constructive commitment on both sides to find a solution ¡¦ if we are talking about the safety of the Korean peninsula, then we need a verifiable assurance that the nuclear weapons will be removed from the peninsular both in North Korea and if necessary in South Korea and that we have the inspections from international sources that are credible¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:ÄÚÅ×Áî ¸¶½ºÅä ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I think there should be some denuclearization. We should be addressing that. That¡¯s the first foremost when we are talking with North Korea. We should be ensuring that they have no nuclear weapons in the future and I think should be also addressing humanitarian issues there. So there are a number of things that I would like to see but at the end of the day, it starts with an initial meeting and having this conversation but we should be demanding and putting things on the table that we want to come from this and I would like to see a strategy coming out of this administration on what it is that they would like to achieve at the end of the day and they should be talking with Congress¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:ÆÛµà ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°My hope is that these two heads of the states set a roadmap that will lead to the total denuclearization of the peninsular and that we also set the groundwork for a peace treaty¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:ÆÛµà ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I would love to have a peace treaty. All the countries involved including China and other countries who fought during the Korean war will have to a part of that treaty, so that will take some time but I hope that this conversation will be the beginning of the process that will lead to the two things, the total denuclearization of the peninsular and a potential peace treaty that would end the war¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:±×·¡½½¸® ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°Denuclearization and abandoning threats to the United States with the ICBM and ends of nuclear warheads of North Korea that could hit the United States because the number one responsibility of the federal government is to protect to American people.¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:ÄÚ´Ñ ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I think it¡¯s going to be a long process. I don¡¯t think we should expect immediate results but it¡¯s very significant that the first meeting is taking place at all ¡¦ obviously the goal is denuclearization. That¡¯s the most important thing¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:Äɳ׵ð ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°This is not going to be a sprint. This is going to be a marathon. I doubt very seriously that President and Mr. Kim Jong Un will be able to resolve everything in one meeting, I hope so, but I doubt it.

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