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[³ìÃë:ÄÚÄ¿ À§¿øÀå] ¡°I think it¡¯s a good sign. It¡¯s certainly kind of setting up the meeting well and I¡¯m glad for the three hostages or prisoners that they are on the way back but we will see what happens when the meeting takes place¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:ÄÚÄ¿ À§¿øÀå] ¡°I don¡¯t know why you would offer something in return for a country that¡¯s doing what they should¡¯ve been a long ago, but I think it set a good context of the meeting¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:ÄÚÄ¿ À§¿øÀå] ¡°I think everyone is skeptical not just myself. I think the President is skeptical, the National Security Council is skeptical but look, I hope something good comes out of this but denuclearization is the outcome I think that everyone is looking to see happen¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë: ¸Þ³Ùµ¥Áî ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I hope that it is an indication of a new attitude by North Korea but that remains to be seen in the negotiations¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë: ¸Þ³Ùµ¥Áî ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I would, until we have a clear understanding of what Kim Jong Un is really intending to do because we have a history to remind us that very often he goes to a certain point and when he has to be fulfilled verified and implemented it doesn¡¯t get realized. He walks back so I would say that any American should not be traveling to North Korea¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë: °¡µå³Ê ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°I think this is something that¡¯s long overdue. I think it¡¯s appalling that Kim Jong Un held them in hostages in the first place but it is a positive step.

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[³ìÃë: °¡µå³Ê ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°What it won¡¯t make up for is the need for an agreement on denuclearization and indeed denuclearization itself. So this is not in place of any agreement on denuclearization¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë: °¡µå³Ê ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°Every bit of pressure should remain in place until we have verifiable and concrete proofs that they¡¯ve taken steps toward denuclearization¡¦¡±

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[³ìÃë:¸¶Å° ÀÇ¿ø] ¡°It¡¯s a step that North Korea was wise to take. Their record on human rights has been¡¦ they are one of the worst human rights violators in the world. What they did by releasing these prisoners is a step which only maybe a gesture and not actually a change in their human rights policy. Hopefully we can build upon it and perhaps use it as an entry level of conversation to nuclear disarmament¡¦¡±

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