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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°Well it was an interesting thought, and I had that thought, we are looking at various countries, including Singapore, and we are also talking about the possibility of the DMZ, Peace House, Freedom House, and there is something that I thought was intriguing, I think that some people maybe don¡¯t like the look of that, and some people like it very much. I threw it out today as an idea.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°I also told the President Moon and through President Moon, we connected with North Korea. There is something that I like about it because you are there. You are actually there. If things work out, there is a great celebration to be had on the site, not on the third party country.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°It has the chance to be a big event, and the United States, I was talking to John Bolton about this little while ago, the United States has never been closer to potentially having something happened with the respect to the Korean peninsula. They can get rid of their nuclear weapons, can create so many good things, so many positive things, and peace and safety for the world.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°We will see what happens, you know I often say, who knows, who knows, maybe a lot of things change but Kim Jong Un who has been very open and very straightforward so far, I can only say again so far, but he is talking about getting rid of the site, which was their big site, he is talking about no research, no launching of the ballistic missile, no nuclear testing, and he has lived up to that for long period of the time, longer period of the time than anybody has seen.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°So we are looking at that as the potential site, I think it would be very interesting. I think it would be a great celebration, if it works out well. And if it doesn¡¯t work out well, that is the way it goes.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°Yeah I think that the summit is going to happen. They very much want it. We certainly would like to see it. I think that the summit will happen, and personally I think it is going to be a success, but we will see. I will say this, if it is not a success, I will respectfully leave, very simple.¡±

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