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[³ìÃë: »÷´õ½º ´ëº¯ÀÎ] ¡°They have expressed their desire to hold talks, but let us be completely clear that denuclearization must be the result of any dialogue with North Korea. Until then the United States and the world must continue to make it note that North Korea¡¯s nuclear and missile programs are a dead end.¡±


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[³ìÃë: »÷´õ½º ´ëº¯ÀÎ] ¡°Companies and countries around the world should know that the Trump administration is 100 percent committed to permanent denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. And we are watching closely on who joins us in fully enforcing the United States and United Nations sanctions.¡±


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[³ìÃë: »÷´õ½º ´ëº¯ÀÎ] ¡°We will continue to lead the campaign of maximum pressure on the regime. We also believe that there is brighter path available to North Korea.¡±


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[³ìÃë: »÷´õ½º ´ëº¯ÀÎ] ¡°As we have said in the past that any conversation that we have would match the comments that we have been making in public, and anything that would be discussed would have to be solely on the focus of them agreeing to denuclearize the peninsula.¡±


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[³ìÃë: »÷´õ½º ´ëº¯ÀÎ] ¡°I don¡¯t think so. I think that the message that the United States wanted to deliver was the one of the maximum pressure and we continue to do that. I think you certainly saw that in all of the remarks both that publically and those that were private between the U.S. officials and the President Moon and his administration.¡±


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[³ìÃë: »÷´õ½º ´ëº¯ÀÎ] ¡°I think our alliance is strong as ever and I think you saw that both with

the Vice President¡¯s visit and certainly over the last several days there was great sense of cooperation, and I would say that alliance is very much strong.¡±


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[³ìÃë: »÷´õ½º ´ëº¯ÀÎ] ¡°In terms of whether or not there will be any consequence, I am not going to weigh in ahead of time. We certainly have never broadcast what we might do, but it is something that the president does take very seriously.¡±


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