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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°I don¡¯t think I am going to exactly play that card but we will have to see. If the sanctions don¡¯t work, we will have to go phase 2. Phase 2 maybe a very rough thing, maybe very very unfortunate for the world.¡±


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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°But hopefully sanctions will work. We have tremendous support all around the world for what we are doing. It really is a rogue nation. If we can make a deal it will be a great thing, and if we can¡¯t, something will have to happen. So we will have to see.¡±

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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°Australia is one of our closest partners in our campaign of maximum pressure to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. Today we have put the strongest sanctions on Korea that we have ever put on a country.¡±


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[³ìÃë: Æ®·³ÇÁ ´ëÅë·É] ¡°We must continue to stand together to prevent the brutal dictatorship from threatening the world with the nuclear devastation. Our nations likewise share commitment to keeping our people safe from terrorism.¡±


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