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Give your junior player the ultimate confidence with the newly redesigned Nike Jr Total 90 Shoot IV FG in White and Orange. Trusted by stars like Wayne Rooney, Wesley Sneijder and Fernando Torres, the Nike T90 family are the soccer shoes of choice for top players around the world.

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For youth soccer cleats, it's tough to choose a quality, durable soccer cleat for the season. Look no further than the adidas Jr Predator Absolion LZ TRX FG, built for performance, speed and control. This cleat is a practical takedown of the Predator LZ big brother, but features most of the same construction and features like the five lethal zones for the most deadly control, accuracy and power to hit the pitch this season.

Players will first notice the lethal zones on the synthetic leather upper that provide a lightweight, comfortable touch. Not to be overlooked is the Nubuck-touch heel lining and pre-molded sock liner for supersoft comfort. Say goodbye to slipping and blisters with the EVA insole that's die-cut to ensure precision and comfort throughout the midsole. The outsole is a redesigned TRAXION 2.0 stud configuration for the best accerlation and maximum traction.




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