"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so" -- Adolf Hitler
![](http://images.quickblogcast.com/23662-22547/pope_hj.jpg) Pope Ratzinger as a Proud Hitler Youth Member
Reich Catholic Bishop Ludwig Muller and Nazis
Catholic Freidrich Coch and Nazis |
He says he's a Baptist, but you know how some politicians lie
Investiture of Ludwig Muller as Reich Church Bishop |
Catholic Archbishop Stepinac and Papal Nuncio Marcone with Nazi General
Catholic Clergy saluting Hitler |
Catholic Nazi Clergy
Vatican Papal Nuncio and Nazis |
Nazis and Catholic Nuns
Catholic Archbishop Stepinac with Nazi Ante Pavelic, head of the Ustashi in Croatia |
Catholic Archbishop Stepinac with Ustashi Nazis
Nazi puppet Ante Pavelic with Catholic Franciscian Monks |
Catholic Saric with Nazi Ante Pavelic in Sarajevo
Hitler and Catholic Ante Pavelic, Nazi puppet ruler of Croatia |
Nazi Ante Pavelic and Catholic Nuns
Reich Catholic Bishop Muller and Nazis |
Hitler and Catholic Papel Nuncio Archbishop Orsenigo
Picture of Nazi Catholic Priests from AIZ Magazine, 1934 |
Spanish Catholic Hierarchy and Nazis
Hitler and Catholic Papal Nuncio |
Catholic Hitler with Catholic Reich Bishop Muller
Hitler attending Catholic Church (Nazi Cult) |
Catholic Hitler with Catholic Cardinal
Catholic Hitler with Catholic Nun |
Nazi Brown Shirts attending Catholic Church
Catholic Cardinal Faulhaber marching with Nazis
Catholic Priests and Nazis salute Hitler |
Nazi Celebration for Catholic Bishop Konrad Praysing
Catholic Cardinal Bertram and Nazis |
Catholic Priests salute Hitler
Catholic Priest Jozef Tiso and Hitler
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