¸®¹öƼÇì·²µå -libertyherald.co.kr-
   issue ¿¹¼ö²²¼­ ÀÌ ³ª¶ó¸¦ »ì¸®½Ç °ÍÀÌ´Ù. Up ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý: 5¿ù29ÀÏ(¼ö) 12:35    

¸®¹öƼÇì·²µå > international
"Á¤Ä¡¹ü¼ö¿ë¼Ò´Â ÝÁÀÌ ¼¼°èÃÖ¾Ç"

'±èÁ¤ÀÏÈ­ (KIMJONGILIA)¡¯¸¦ °¨µ¶ÇÏ°í Á¦ÀÛÇÑ ¿£¾¾ ÇÏÀÌŲ(N.C. HEIKIN) ¾¾. - PHOTO courtesy of N.C. HEIKIN ¹Ì±¹¿¡¼­ ±ØÀÛ°¡, ¿µÈ­½Ã³ª¸®¿À ÀÛ°¡, °¨µ¶, Á¦ÀÛ..(2009-09-02)

ÞçªÎË»æѪÏ戦争ªËªÊªÃªÆª¤ªë¡£ÞºÛåªË¡¢Òýª¯¡¢ª¤ªíª¤ªíªÊᶪòüު꿪顢対ßÚª¬広ª¯ªÊªê¡¢Úã対íºªâÒýª¯ªÊªÃª¿¡£ Ë»æѪÎÔ²ñé¡¢ÒÁÙ°ªêªÄª±ªëìÑ¡¢悪÷¾ªòª¹ªëìÑ¡¢øì..(2009-08-14)
The sick and unproductive had better die out as soon as poss..
the way to reconstruct the North Korea-1

Three millions starved deaths in the mid to late 1990s implicatively shows the condition of the North Korean human rights. The sta..(2009-08-14)
North Korea: "The Worst Human Rights Crisis in the World Tod..

"Often described as the world's largest prison camp, no country is more deserving of international condemnation on human rights ..(2009-07-23)
U.N. Hopeful North Korea to Return to Talks

North Korea could restart its nuclear facilities within months, the chief of the U.N. nuclear watchdog warned Monday, but added he..(2009-04-21)



1£®ÝÁùÛªÎÝÚ壊ªËªèªÃªÆùÛ国ªâáñ÷ܪ¹ªëªÎª«? ¡¡ÝÁù۪Ϋ߫µ«¤«ë発ÞÒªÏÑÑïáìí体ð¤ªÎðûØǪòäÞãƪ¹ªë¡£「労働ãæÚ¤」ªä「Úãð¨ÚÅ戦&#..(2009-04-15)
Hu Jin tao and Freemason Hand Signal
this is the real FREEMASON WORLD!

[1] China's Hu Jintao doing the masonic eyeglass grasp sign. Why would 3 different pro photographs find such a banale gesture so i..(2008-11-25)
Phoenix Bird-Satanic Symbol
Wake Up! The End of the World is Coming

In mid-November, First Lady Laura Bush sent official Christmas cards to the Republican faithful in Texas.  This Christmas car..(2008-12-13)

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